Swinging New England

After 20 memorable years,…

Swingin’ New England, a beloved West Coast Swing community event, is taking a break. The announcement, heartfelt and candid, highlights this year’s challenges, including personal struggles and a significant drop in event numbers. Despite these hurdles, the event’s organizer expresses deep gratitude for the community’s support and friendships formed. While this year’s hiatus is a difficult decision, there’s a commitment to return with an even better event in the future, ensuring many more cherished memories to come.

As of July 2024, Swingin’ New England has not yet returned, but the community remains hopeful.

Click here for the Facebook page to find the most recent updates about this event.

Swinging New England Facebook Post

Read the full notice below

Hello All In Facebook Land -As some of you may have noticed there has been a lack of my presence as well as Swingin’ New England’s presence online here and in email information. I also know that there have been a lot of questions about Swingin’ New England this year.I would like to address both of these things as they are connected.First and foremost I would like to say that the WCS community is a community that has given me so much, not the least of which is an incredible group of friends. Swingin’ New England has given me much of the same and I have been blessed to be any part of it. The people that I have connected with in this community have not only been friends but they have been like family; I have felt safe to grow and explore who I am. I will be forever grateful for these experiences.

However after Swingin’ New England this year there were things that drastically changed that for me. I experienced what can only have felt like bullying and when I thought there were people who had my back I felt hurt like only a few other devastating times in my life.On top of this because it was my first year running the event on my own; and with a new partner the event itself was down in numbers. I want to be clear that the new partner is not in any way the problem it was my responsibility to teach and mentor and that was a new role I mis-managed; because of that there were things that fell behind.Normally

I can pull myself up by the bootstraps and say “I got this”, however I wasn’t sure that I did have it.I owe this community to do this the best it can be, however given the combination of these things Swingin’ New England is taking a break this year.Please know this decision does not come lightly by any means and breaks my heart. I ask that those who know or think they know what went on have enough respect for me, the event, and all the people who have helped make this happen that they don’t turn this into a rumor mill.

I ask that people don’t come and say “what can we do to make this happen?”; the decision is made for the best of the event and my well being. Please accept my apology that I didn’t share this earlier or individually but that was done intentionally; and I’m truly sorry.After 20 Years Swingin’ New England needs to take a vacation and I can safely say that after a break it will come back better than ever. I am committed to making this event the best version of itself and so many more memories to come.

~Quoted from Facebook Swinging New England post

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