From Wild Wild Westie Facebook Event Page.
Welcome to Wild Wild Westie! If you are driving, here are the instructions to make entering the airport as smooth as possible. First and foremost, make sure to turn off the “No tolls” option on your GPS, otherwise you will circle the airport to infinity and beyond.

1. *Wrangle Your Wagon*: When you roll up to the airport, steer your car into one of the two right-hand lanes marked “Ticket Only.”
2. *Grab Your Ticket*: Just like staking a claim, take a parking ticket from the machine. This is your golden key to hassle-free entry.
3. *Giddy Up to the Hotel*: Mosey on over to the hotel with your ticket in hand any time you are departing the airport with your car. The friendly front desk or concierge staff will validate your ticket. If you have been in the airport for less than 24 hours, then you only need your validated ticket. If you have been in the airport for more than 24 hours, then you will need both your validated ticket and a validation form from the hotel. For example, if you receive your ticket Friday at 9 AM but you leave before Saturday 9 AM, you will only need your ticket validated. However, if you leave Saturday after 9 AM, make sure to get both your ticket validated & a validation form.
4. *Heading Out*: When it’s time to hit the trail, use your validated ticket at the “Cash Only” gate to exit. It’s as simple as tipping your hat.
*Important Note*: If you decide to use your toll tag instead of taking a ticket, neither Wild Wild Westie nor the hotel can refund you. So, be sure to stick to the “Ticket Only” route to avoid any hiccups.
Safe travels, and enjoy y’all’s time at Wild Wild Wesite! Happy Trails!
Big thank you to Kristen Lindsey for putting this information together!!
Link to Facebook Post: