But before we dive in, let’s clear up a couple of things:

Not a Replacement for Lessons

Think of this series as a sidekick to your group or private lessons, not a substitute. Dance is a physical thing, best learned in a studio, not just from a screen. We’ll give you some handy practice drills to work on at home, but you’ll still need those in-person classes to nail it.

Variations Galore

West Coast Swing isn’t like ballroom dances with their strict rules. It’s got that bar dance vibe, meaning different instructors might show you different techniques, foot placements, and styles. And that’s cool! If what you read here doesn’t match your instructor’s advice, just chat with them about it.

Rules and Freedom

As you level up in WCS, you’ll find that some beginner rules become more like guidelines. You’ll get the freedom to tweak and play around with the dance. But for now, let’s stick to the basics. Establishing these foundational principles will make it easier to explore and innovate later on.


Remember, this is just the start of your journey into West Coast Swing. Keep practicing those foundational skills, complement your lessons with the drills we’ve shared, and don’t hesitate to explore the diverse styles and techniques you’ll encounter.

Dance is about growth and connection with the music and your partner. So, embrace the process, enjoy the dance, and watch your skills and confidence soar. Happy dancing!